Tuning Fork Shop
Tuning Forks offer a simple and easily accessible way for you personally to access the power and effectiveness of Sound Healing and reap the deep healing and relaxation they can provide. Healing Light.org now offers a range of the finest Tuning Forks available in the market especially for healing purpose. All these Tuning Forks are made from special grade Aluminium alloy and the frequency is guaranteed to an accuracy of +/- 0.25%
Please Note: Prices below are UK ONLY and include postage and packing
For other destinations please contact us for the additional cost of postage.

The Cosmic OM Tuning Fork creates a vibration that resonates with the 'Cosmic Om.'
It is believed that "OM" is the mother of all languages. Repetition of "OM" enables us to maintain mental and emotional calmness, overcome obstacles and enable understanding. It is an everlasting, never-stopping tone. Our soul has this same frequency. Indians, in olden times, were given this tune in meditation naturally, as they opened themselves to the cosmos. These Tuning Forks give amazing results in meditation, reaching out to Universal Energies, journeying, in an energy-work session. Their effect is to relax, soothe, balance and sedate.
This fork resonates with the Heart Chakra and resonates with the colour green
One of the fundamental mantras used in meditation is OM. The intention of 'OM' is to cause you to be one with all life thereby opening yourself to unlimited growth. The mantra is not beneficial due to its literal translation but instead to its vibratory frequency.
This fork is based on the revolution of the planets around the Sun which causes the different seasons like spring, summer, autumn and winter. It vibrates to a frequency equal to an Earth Year which is 365 days and is in the 32nd octave.
- It gives peace, calmness, tranquillity and serenity.
- It promotes relaxation.
- It opens up our heart chakra.
- It helps us in meditation and connects us to Cosmos.
- Pain relieving effect on our body
This tuning fork is based on C# 136.10 Hz

Frequency 528 Hz, the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. Frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace and hasten healing.
It is the exact frequency used by genetic engineers throughout the world to repair the blueprint of life, DNA, the healthy core of which is a six-sided crystal of structured water. Dr. Lee Lorenzen, a world renowned biochemist working with water crystallization methods to rejuvenate DNA says "I was intrigued by the frequencies of the healing codes. The third frequency is well known to scientists working on DNA repair.'' Dr. Lorenzen believes this '528' frequency might be beneficial in delaying aging.

It is strongly recommended that if one is starting to enter the amazing world of Tuners, begin with these ones.
These 2 Tuning forks are based on : C 256 Hz G 384 Hz

The Angel Tuners are a set of 3 Crystal Tuners. The Angel Tuners open our spirit to the Angelic Kingdom. They are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series.
In the overtone series a fundamental tone creates a second tone, the second tone creates a third tone, etc. These tones are ascending in pitch. The sound will be delicate and high in pitch.
This set contains the Crystal Tuner (4096Hz) which is also available separately.
These 3 tuning forks are based on :
4096 Hz, 4160 Hz and 4225 Hz
- Enhances connection to universal energy
- Spiritual insights and experiences
- Manifestation of inspiration and a meditative state
- Connect with higher powers and creative expression
It may take a while for your ears to open to the overtone intervals. Learning to listen to them opens dream doorways.

This set produces pure sounds and overtones, the effect of which is to help relax and centre oneself. Harmonic re-patterning is done to produce different musical intervals. Every such musical interval produces a one of its kind relationship between the subtle energy bodies and the charkas.
- This is done by working two forks together.
- It gives instant relaxation and altered state of conciousness.
These 8 tuning forks are based on :
Root Red C 256 Hz
Sacral Orange D 288 Hz
Solar Plexus Yellow E 320 Hz
Heart Green F 341.3 Hz
Throat Blue G 384 Hz
3rd Eye Indigo A 426.7 Hz
Crown Violet B 480 Hz
Root (Higher octave) of Red C 512 Hz

This link is very important when you have to do any of the following:-
- When transition is to be made from one frequency to another.
- When transition is to be made from one chakra to the next.
- When transition is to be made from one element to the next during human evolution and involution.
- It is very important in the vibrational makeup of all life.
- It should be noted that all these frequencies are of the vibrations from intersections of Ida and Pingala while they cross each other at the Sushumna. Only the A# is an exception to this fact.
Sacred Chalice C# 266.6 Hz, Dan Tien D# 300 Hz, Higher Heart -
F# 355.5 Hz, Brain Stem G# 400 Hz, Higher Brain Centers A# - 444.4 Hz
- Sacred Chalice - C# 266.6 Hz - The Sacred Chalice is the physical container into which the Divine can enter and be held. In other words, it is a channel for Divine Energy and Consciousness. This frequency of the Sacred Chalice resides between the root and sacral chakras. The color is Orange-Red.
- Dan Tien - D# 300 Hz - This is frequency of the Dan Tien. Dan Tien is described as an important focal point for internal meditative techniques and refers specifically to the physical center of gravity located in the abdomen (about three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel). The dantian or dan tien is important in breathing technique and meditation. it is considered the physical center of gravity of the human body and is the seat of one's internal energy. The color is Gold.
- Higher Heart - F# 355.5 Hz - This is frequency of the Higher Heart.It is located between throat and heart.It is also called Ananda Khanda. it is an important activator of higher consciousness. When open and balanced we feel compassion and forgiveness for all – including ourselves. The color is Blue-Green.
- Brain Stem - G# 400 Hz - This is frequency of the Brain Stem. The brain stem (or brainstem) is the lower part of the brain, adjoining and structurally continuous with the spinal cord. this is an extremely important part of the brain as the nerve connections of the motor and sensory systems from the main part of the brain to the rest of the body pass through the brain stem. The brain stem also plays an important role in the regulation of cardiac and respiratory function. It also regulates the central nervous system, and is pivotal in maintaining consciousness and regulating the sleep cycle. The color is Royal Blue.
- Higher Brain Centers - A# 444.4 Hz - This is frequency of the Higher Brain Centers. Higher brain centres act as "training wheels" for the lower brain by enabling it to adapt to injury. These areas of the brain not only regulate everything in our physical body, but also beyond physical levels. The color is Indigo-Violet.

The Chakra Set consist of 9 Tuning forks. These are 7 forks of chakra set plus 8th Chakra soul purpose and Earth star (also called Low ohm).
The Chakra Set is based on the mathematical rotation of the planets around our Sun. These forks are NOT based on a musical scale. They work more on the cosmic multi-dimensions of our chakras, our subtle bodies and other energy gateways & pathways. Using precise mathematical formulas of our Solar System's planetary cycles, these forks have been created to connect to our cosmic multi-dimensional selves which are eternal, extremely subtle and are accessible through gateways, ladders,layers and multi-dimensional levels of energy. These forks provide pathways to a Cosmic Universal understanding of All of Life and our never-ending Soul's relationship to it.
These 9 tuning forks are based on :
1st Root/Muladhara (also Earth Day) 194.18 Hz
2nd Sacral/Svadhisthana (also Synodic Moon) 210.42 Hz
3rd Solar Plexus/Manipura (also Sun) 126.22 Hz
4th Heart/Anahata (also Earth Year) (also OM Fork) 136.10 Hz
5th Throat/Vishuddha (also Mercury) 141.27 Hz
6th Third Eye/Ajna (also Venus) 221.23 Hz
7th Crown/Sahasrara (also Platonic Year) 172.06 Hz
8th Soul Purpose/Soul Star 272.20 Hz
9th Earth Star 68.05 Hz
- 1st ROOT Muladhara/BASE- 194.18 Hz – It is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. This centre is located in the region between the genitals and the anus.The ROOT fork is the same frequency as an Earth Day which is 24 hours. The Chakra color is Orange-Red. It is effective on the pubic bone and coccyx.
- 2nd SACRAL Svadisthana - 210.42 Hz– This chakra is considered to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle.This tuning fork is the same frequency as the Synodic Moon, which is the time of the full moon. This frequency stimulates sexual energy and supports erotic communication. Also good for woman's cycles and for disturbances of the glandular and lymphathic systems.It is also considered to be related to, more generally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals.The Chakra color is Orange.
- 3rd SOLAR PLEXUS Manipura - 126.22 Hz - The SOLAR PLEXUS tuning fork is the same frequency as our solar systems central star, the Sun. This fork helps in metabolic and digestive systems.The Chakra color is Green.
- 4th HEART Anahata - 136.10 Hz (Cosmic OM) - The HEART tuning fork is tuned to the OM vibration and resonates to the Earth Year or the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the sun, which is one year or 365 days. It helps in relaxation.Effective for immune system and circulation. The Chakra color is Blue-Green.It helps in spirituality and devotion.
- 5th THROAT Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz- The THROAT tuning fork is the same frequency as the planet Mercury. It is related to communication and growth through expression. This tuning fork is helpful for throat,for thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation.The Chakra color is Blue.
- 6th 3RD EYE Ajna - 221.23 Hz - The 3rd EYE tuning fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This fork helps in pineal glads. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep and awakening.The Chakra color is bright Yellow-Orange. .Use this tuning fork on the 3rd Eye, directly between the eyebrows.
- 7th CROWN Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz- The CROWN fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is generally considered to be the chakra of pure consciousness. Its role may be envisioned somewhat similarly to that of the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones to communicate to the rest of the endocrine system and also connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus.The Chakra color is Red-Violet/Purple.It helps in Universal conciousness,meditation and unity.It brings joy and happiness.Use this tuning fork on the crown chakra at the top of the head in alignment with the tops of the ears.
- 8th Soul Purpose- 272.20 Hz -This Chakra is also known as the Soul Star, Soul Purpose or link to the Divine. It is located about 6 to 10 inches above your head. If you raise your arms straight above your head, 8th Chakra is located between your two wrists. Place vibrating 8th Chakra tuning fork in that area and it can help clear that chakra, making clear your Soul Purpose and re-establishing your connection with the Divine. It can help in visualizing your material goals can help manifest them.
- 9th Earth Star- 68.05 Hz- Also known as Low OM Tuning Fork.It is used on our body especially lower part of the body. It creates beautiful overtones when activated.It is useful in grounding and opening deep blockages in our body.

The Otto Tuner is the note of C in the diatonic scale.
These frequencies project sound into the physical body, especially in the bones. The effect is to replenish the tone of tissues and to align them well. Great for sore muscles and relaxation of bones.
C-128Hz- is used for grounding and relaxation.

The Otto Tuner is the note of C in the diatonic scale.
These frequencies project sound into the physical body, especially in the bones. The effect is to replenish the tone of tissues and to align them well. Great for sore muscles and relaxation of bones.
C-64Hz - helps loosen sacral ligaments and stimulate and balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Useful in emotional trauma and grounding.

This fork is especially effective when placed on the sternum, vertebra and meridian points. Used primarily for relaxation and grounding, the Otto Tuners resonate with the deeper tones of the Earth.
The Otto Tuner is the note of C in the diatonic scale.
These frequencies project sound into the physical body, especially in the bones. The effect is to replenish the tone of tissues and to align them well. Great for sore muscles and relaxation of bones.
C-32Hz - works with skin and hair to stimulate nerves and hair. Good for grounding.

This tuning fork is based on
50 Hz
This tuning fork can be used to relieve pain from pulled or strained muscles. It is also excellent for removing those knots that develop in the muscles. It will help in releasing the tightness of cramps so that the muscle will relax and the brain will send the endorphins to help with the pain. Place the end of the stem on the area where there is pain. You may also place the side of the stem in the same area. On the weighted end of the tuning fork pinch the two ends together and slide your fingers off quickly. Hitting the end of the fork on a hard rubber object is not needed to cause the maximum amount of vibration.

Usually associated with:
Beta waves
Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition
Alpha waves
Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness
Theta waves
Dreams , deep meditation, REM sleep
Delta waves
Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness
The Brain Tuners are stroked together (one each in the 2 different ears).The 2 parts of the brain join the 2 sounds to create a third, different sound called a binaural beat. The difference between the two frequencies must be small for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately and no beat will be perceived.
When the Fundamental Brain Tuner tuning fork is sounded with any of the 4 Brain tuning forks, the difference between the two tuning forks creates a binaural beat which can be heard as a pulsation.Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves and can be used to produce relaxation and other health benefits such as pain relief. Binaural beat stimulation has been used fairly extensively to induce a variety of states of consciousness, and there has been some work done in regards to the effects of these stimuli on relaxation, focus, attention, and states of consciousness.

Energy levels will fluctuate depending on several factors. Diet, rest, age and fitness level are some of the factors that will have an affect on your energy level. If we are not able to get enough time to rest,than here is one tuning fork which can be used.
Nitrous Oxide is already present in our body. Nitrous oxide helps keep blood vessels open. Blood vessels relax and constrict to regulate blood flow and nitrous oxide opens up blood vessels, allowing red blood cells to deliver oxygen.The Energy Tuning Fork works on the phenomenon of sedation or tranquilizing effect .This tuning fork uses this Nitrous Oxide(already present in our body) to give us energy and keep us relaxed. When we use this fork, we activate Nitrous Oxide and it gets released in small quantities in the blood stream and this benefit us in number of ways.
Benefits of using this tuning fork-
- It makes us calm and relax.
- Increase our energy level.
- Help in keeping blood vessels open.
- Help us in having sound sleep.
It is an excellent massage tool. It helps the person feel immensely relaxed & energized . For this, the frequency has to be worked upwards from spine to skull. Firstly, use it on tailbone ,then, use it on middle of the lower back, then use it on middle of the back, then use it on middle of the back at shoulder blades, then use it on middle of the neck, then use it on the back of the skull just above the spine.
At each position, strike the tuner & keep it there until it stops vibrating. This process completes the tuning for energy. The massage can be resumed after this. In 15-20 minutes,person can feel energized.

Kabbalists believe the Tree Of Life to be a diagramatic representation of the process by which the universe came into being.
The branches, spheres or Sephirah of the Kabbalah Tree of Life are explained briefly here:-
( There are many wonderful books that delve into the deeper meanings of each sephirah and their relationships to each other via various pathways.)
- KETER - The Crown. This is root of the Tree, where light first becomes manifest. To the Kabbalists, it symbolises that point beyond which our comprehension of the origins of Being cannot go. It symbolizes the spirit of God and Divine Will.
- CHOKMAH - Wisdom. It is often thought of as pure dynamic energy of an infinite intensity forever propelled forth at a speed faster than light..
- BINAH - Understanding. which is thought of as the primordial feminine energy, the Supernal Mother of the universe which receives the energy of Chokmah, cooling and nourishing it into the multitudinous forms present throughout the whole cosmos.
- CHESED - Mercy or loving kindness. Chesed can be properly described as an act that has no "cause.". it is the initiator of interaction
- GEBURAH - Strenght/Justice/Judgement. It is associated in the soul with the power to restrain one's innate urge to bestow goodness upon others, when the recipient of that good is judged to be unworthy and liable to misuse it. As the force which measures and assesses the worthiness of Creation, geburah is also referred to in Kabbalah as midat hadin ("the attribute of judgment"). It is the restraining might of geburah which allows one to overcome his enemies, be they from without or from within
- TIPHARETH – Beauty/Balance/Miracles. Resting in the center of the Tree of Life, Tiphareth is the heart of the Tree. It is associated with divine love, with healing, balance and harmony.
- NETZACH - Victory/Perpetualty/Eternity. Netzach is "endurance ,the fortitude and patience to follow through on your passions. Netzach is the sphere of Venus: the feminine aspect of God, which stands for receptivity and acceptance, also known as the Earth Mother in its fructifying aspect.
- HOD – Glory or Splendor. Hod is described as being a force that breaks down energy into different, distinguishable forms, and it is associated with intellectuality. Hod is said to be the sphere in which the magician mostly works.
- YESOD – Power or Foundation. It is often associated with the moon, because it is the sphere which reflects the light of all the other sephirot into Malkuth, and it is associated with the sexual organs, because it is here that the higher spheres connect to the earth. It plays the role of collecting and balancing the different and opposing energies of Hod and Netzach.
- MALKUTH Malkuth means Kingdom. It is associated with the realm of matter/earth and relates to the physical world, the planets and the solar system. The divine energy comes down and finds its expression in this plane, and our purpose as human beings is to bring that energy back around the circuit again and up the Tree.
- DA'ATH – It is related with knowledge. It is the location (the mystical state) where all ten sephirot in the Tree of Life are united as one. The Divine Light is always shining, but not all humans can see it. Humans who become self-giving like the Light become able to see it, and for them the benefits of Daat's Light seem "revealed". However, humans who remain selfish cannot see it, and for them its benefits seem "hidden".
- LIGHTNING FLASH - Vertical downward pathway or vertical upward rising. This flow of light is of the sephirotic tree which passes through each sephirah in turn according to their enumerations.
- Kabbalah is a systematic overview of how existence functions, on every level, from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic. Through understanding the functioning of the many levels of existence, a person is then prepared to traverse those levels.The Kabbalah is the foundation of every form of Initiatic Wisdom.The Kabbalah utilizes a primary symbol called the Tree of Life, which is the organizing principle found in every mystical tradition. Every religion has a Kabbalistic basis, even though they may not use that word.The Kabbalah is a symbol which expresses the structure of creation. Understanding the Tree of Life, one can understand the structure of the universe around us and within us, for it maps the macrocosm and the microcosm and everything in between.

• Relieve stiffness and pain
• Increased oxygen flow to joints
• Increase blood circulation to your body
The frequency of the Circulation fork is used to stimulate the flow of blood to areas of the body. Arthritis is a prime example of poor circulation in the joints. Once the flow of blood is returned to the damaged areas it will start to heal its self. The Circulation forks frequency works on Diabetes and other diseases, as well.
The circulation of blood refers to its continual flow from the heart, through branching arteries, to reach and traverse the microscopic vessels in all parts of the body, reconverging in the veins and returning to the heart, to flow thence through the lungs and back to the heart to start the circuit again. This uninterrupted movement of the blood is necessary to maintain the supply of oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the gut, as well as for the distribution of hormones.
How to use this fork
Place the tip of the stem/handle of vibrating tuning fork on the joint or area where there is stiffness or pain. Allow the tuning fork tip to remain on the area until it stops vibrating and then repeat the process three to four more times. Massaging or rubbing the area helps to spread the frequency vibration.
Circulatory disorders are quite common in middle-aged and elderly folk. Hypertension is one of them. It is caused by cholesterol plaque deposits along the walls of the arteries, making them harden and constrict. Because the arteries are constricted, the blood exerts great force against the walls of the blood vessels, causing the blood pressure to rise. This frequency has also been found to reduce cholesterol. Simply start the fork vibrating and place over the area of the liver.

The Crystal Tuner 4096 Hz (also part of the Angel Tuners Set) amplifies the energy with which any crystal can heal, particularly quartz crystals, through sound vibration. This Tuning Fork is used for activating any crystal while directing its energy towards the receiver. This is done by striking the Fork on an activator or on some hard surface, placing its stem end on the crystal and directing it towards the wanted receiver. A crystal, thus activated, produces a bridge from the physical body to the cosmos. The fork can also be used to clear a space of negative energy.
If a Quartz Crystal is to be cleared or energized, just tone the Tuning Fork & move it around the crystal.
If a Quartz Crystal is to be programmed. Again, just tone the Tuning Fork & move it around the crystal and send the wanted thoughts across while doing the process.
The Fork is also used effectively to remove unwanted energies already present in a crystal. This is done by striking it on an activator and holding its stem end on the crystal for half a minute.

The Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks are available in complete set of 9 tuning forks which include the 3 missing notes.
The Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks are a set of forks in the sacred frequencies known as the Secret Solfeggio. These were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of 6 electro-magnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the 6 missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.
These original sound frequencies were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants.
These chants and their special tones were believed to give tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These frequencies can now be produced with the help of these Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks.
The frequencies of Solfeggio notes, when reduced to a single digit give 3, 6 or 9. Nikola Tesla stated “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
The 9 Frequencies are :
Original 6 notes
Ut=396 Hz (=9) (Ut quent laxis) For liberating guilt and fear
Re=417 Hz (=3) (Resonare fibris) For Facilitating Change & Support
Mi=528 Hz (=6) (Mira gestorum) For Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair
Fa=639 Hz (=9) (Famuli tuorum) For Connecting & Relationships
Sol=741 Hz (=3) (Solve polluti) For Awakening Intuition
La=852 Hz (=6) (Labii reatum) For Returning to Spirit
Missing 3 notes
174 Hz (=3) 285 Hz (=6) 963 Hz (=9)

The Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks are available in a set of 6 tuning forks. The Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks are a set of forks in the sacred frequencies known as the Secret Solfeggio. These were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of 6 electro-magnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the 6 missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.
These original sound frequencies were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants.
These chants and their special tones were believed to give tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These frequencies can now be produced with the help of these Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks.
The frequencies of Solfeggio notes, when reduced to a single digit give 3, 6 or 9. Nikola Tesla stated “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
The original 6 Frequencies are :
Ut=396 Hz (=9) (Ut quent laxis) For liberating guilt and fear
Re=417 Hz (=3) (Resonare fibris) For Facilitating Change & Support
Mi=528 Hz (=6) (Mira gestorum) For Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair
Fa=639 Hz (=9) (Famuli tuorum) For Connecting & Relationships
Sol=741 Hz (=3) (Solve polluti) For Awakening Intuition
La=852 Hz (=6) (Labii reatum) For Returning to Spirit