Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy is a complementary therapy using sound to balance the mind, body, emotions and spirit to improve health and well-being. Every cell in our body enjoys the vibration of sound. Each cell, organ and chakra vibrates at its own unique frequency and sound healing promotes harmony and balance on every level.
Throughout history, sound has been central to most creation stories and has been inextricably linked with spiritual growth and development. Sound Healing can help you develop along your own spiritual path, wherever you are on your own personal journey.
The emergence of sound as a significant force in healing has been foreseen:
“There will come a time when a dis-eased condition will not be described as it is today by physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one speaks of a piano that was out of tune.” Rudolf Steiner
The psychic Edgar Cayce said, "The medicine of the future will be music and sound". However, perhaps this is also a return to, or re-emergence of former knowledge; the newly emerging field of Archeoacoustics has shown that ancient sacred sites, often associated with healing were also acoustically designed, many resonating at the Solfeggio frequency of 111Hz; a frequency which helps us to integrate the two halves of the brain into a state of balanced consciousness, is associated with mood-enhancing endorphins and said to assist in cellular rejuvenation, memory retention and the ability to focus.
Throughout history, sound has been central to most creation stories and has been inextricably linked with spiritual growth and development. Sound Healing can help you develop along your own spiritual path, wherever you are on your own personal journey.
The emergence of sound as a significant force in healing has been foreseen:
“There will come a time when a dis-eased condition will not be described as it is today by physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one speaks of a piano that was out of tune.” Rudolf Steiner
The psychic Edgar Cayce said, "The medicine of the future will be music and sound". However, perhaps this is also a return to, or re-emergence of former knowledge; the newly emerging field of Archeoacoustics has shown that ancient sacred sites, often associated with healing were also acoustically designed, many resonating at the Solfeggio frequency of 111Hz; a frequency which helps us to integrate the two halves of the brain into a state of balanced consciousness, is associated with mood-enhancing endorphins and said to assist in cellular rejuvenation, memory retention and the ability to focus.